Everpark Garage

About the Garage

The Everpark Garage is centrally located in Downtown Everett at 2815 Hoyt Avenue, between Hewitt and California Aves. With 494 spaces, it is the City’s largest parking garage providing ample parking whether you are visiting, shopping, or working during the day. It’s also convenient for parking when attending a downtown event. The Everpark Garage is a well-lit facility that is maintained 7 days a week by courteous, friendly attendants who provide attentive customer service.


Everpark is owned and maintained by the City of Everett, and managed by the Downtown Everett Association. Attendants are on-site weekdays, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and weekends 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


The maximum vehicle height is 7’. Storage of a vehicle in the facility is prohibited.

Parking Fees

Daily Fees

Daily parking rates are $1 per hour. For example:

0 – 1 hour: $1.00
1 – 2 hours: $2.00
2 – 3 hours: $3.00


Please note: Starting January 1, 2025, the daily parking rate will be $1/hour for all hours parked including weeknights and weekends. There is no maximum charge.


Parking validation is available from some businesses. Please inquire at the downtown business.

Monthly Fees:

  • Covered: $110/month
    • Good for daily parking during business hours; non-gated 
  • Ground Gated: $120/month 
    • Easy access; locked at night
  • Roof Gated: $90/month
    • Access via stairs any time; locked at all times


If you or your company would like to set up monthly invoiced parking, please call to make arrangements at 425-258-0700 or fill out a Parking Inquiry Form below.


Garage attendants are on site to assist customers, watch for potential problems and enforce parking policies. Attendant hours are weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and weekends 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays.

Routine services include:

  • Monitoring parking areas
  • Garage cleaning and equipment maintenance
  • Handling special problems such as lost tickets
  • Driving directions and city information

Minor emergency services include (during attendant hours only):

  • Jump starting a discharged battery
  • Simple tire inflation sufficient to allow the customer to seek repairs elsewhere
  • Use of a telephone for emergency calls or calling for a tow truck


An elevator is available for parking ticket holders 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Reporting An Issue

After-hours Assistance

If you have lost your ticket or the equipment is malfunctioning, please press the call button on the kiosk. During regular business hours, call 425-645-2070 to speak to an onsite attendant.


People Exhibiting Inappropriate Behavior

If you feel vulnerable to any person acting suspiciously or otherwise inappropriately, or you witness any vandalism:

  1. Call 911, as soon as possible (not in the presence of the offender) and give the dispatcher the following information:
    • What – tell what the offender is doing, describe the behavior, i.e. sleeping, drinking, etc.
    • Why – explain the anxiety and/or harm resulting from the offender’s behavior; stress the importance of the situation.
    • Where – give exact location within or around Everpark Garage, 2815 Hoyt Ave
    • When – give as close to an exact time as possible
    • Who – a man or woman of an approximate age, height, clothing, etc.
  2. Exit the garage and go to a safe place while waiting for the police to respond.
  3. Call Everpark staff at 425-645-2070 and leave a message describing the incident and informing them that 911 has been called.
  4. Send an e-mail message to everpark@downtowneverett describing the above.


Disclaimer: Theft and Vehicular Damage

The City of Everett and personnel of the Everpark Garage are not responsible for losses due to vandalism to or theft of automobiles or any other personal property. We caution parkers to lock their vehicles and keep valuables out of sight. However, we cannot assure anyone that these measures will be effective in preventing physical damage or loss of property. Although certain sections of the Everpark Garage are gated, these areas should not be assumed to be completely secure.

Parking Tips

General Parking 

  • Do not tailgate vehicles in front of you when entering or exiting the garage
  • The speed limit in the garage is 5 miles per hour; observe all directional signs and arrows
  • Lock your doors, close your windows, and remove valuables from your vehicle
  • Storage of a vehicle in the facility is prohibited. Unauthorized vehicles parked longer than 72 hours are subject to towing at owner’s expense.
  • Customers assume all responsibility for their vehicle and its contents. Everpark Garage does not guard or assume care of vehicles or contents and is not responsible for any damage or loss to vehicle or its contents
  • Report any damage caused by, or to your vehicle to Everpark Garage prior to exiting the premises. Tell an attendant, call 425-382-1997, or email everpark@downtowneverettwa.org
  • Park entirely within the stall lines; parking is prohibited in areas not striped for parking
  • Vehicles improperly parked in reserved or handicapped spaces or other than completely between the lines of a proper parking space, may automatically be removed from the facility and impounded. All expenses incurred in the removal and disposition of said vehicle shall be at the sole expense of the vehicle owner.
  • Vehicles with excessive fluid (oil, antifreeze, etc.) leakage may be assessed a clean-up fee
  • Vehicles are subject to the enforcement of any and all Washington Vehicle Codes and City of Everett Municipal Codes while parked
  • Failure to properly display valid license plate, or misuse of parking spaces may subject your vehicle to violation
  • Soliciting and/or leaving materials on vehicles is prohibited
  • Everpark reserves the right to close/block entrances and exits at any time to accommodate large crowds and provide a safe atmosphere for garage customers and pedestrians


Monthly Parking

  • Monthly parking can be purchased through the administration office; submit a Parking Inquiry Form for more information
  • Permits are sold on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Valid Everpark Garage parking permit must be displayed according to placement requirements at all times
  • A parking permit authorizes the customer to park one (1) automobile in an available space, subject to posted restrictions and restrictions contained herein and at the sole risk of the customer
  • Customers must park in the area or level authorized by his/her agreement. Everpark reserves the right to relocate permit holders as needed
  • If an access card is temporarily misplaced (e.g. left at home), the permitholder will be required to pay the hourly rate
  • Loss or theft of an access card or parking permit must be reported immediately. There is a replacement charge for any lost, stolen or damaged card or permit. If the loss is not reported immediately, the permitholder will be required to pay the hourly rate until such time as a replacement card is provided.
  • Parking permits are non-transferable and are valid only for the vehicle(s) to which it was issued; any vehicle that fails to display a pass or uses a pass that was not issued specifically to that vehicle will be considered fraudulent use and is subject to towing and/or other administrative actions
  • $10 late fee assessed on parking fees not paid by the fifth business day of the month
  • 30-day notice must be provided to terminate parking
  • Everpark Garage reserves the right to confiscate all parking permits if abuse is found
  • A parking agreement must be completed. Customers are required to provide the following information to be placed on file at the administrative office: vehicle make, model, color and license plate number.
  • The parking agreement may include additional terms and conditions